Academy Governing Body

All academies within the Trust are governed by the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Board and Members.

The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust governance structure establishes clear lines of accountability, overview and scrutiny at three levels: The L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Members; the L.E.A.D. Academy Trust Board and its Committees; and the Academy Governing Body (AGB).

The AGB meets formally three times each year (termly) and also meets informally each term through engagement meetings. The Trusts scheme of delegation, AGB terms of reference and articles of association can be accessed by the clicking the links below. These key documents set out the function and role of the AGB.

L.E.A.D. Academy Trust – Governance

Here you can find out more about the school governors and the work that we do. You can also view the governors minutes (at the foot of the page- paper copies are available from the school office)

The law requires every maintained school to have a  governing body to which the Head Teacher is accountable. We meet three times a year to see how the school is progressing; to check that it is being legally compliant and demonstrating best practice within areas such as Safeguarding and Health and Safety; and to challenge leaders to identify what support they need to make the school the best place it possibly can be.

Our especial legal duties:

  • setting strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • approving the school budget
  • reviewing progress against the school’s budget and objectives
  • appointing, challenging and supporting the Head Teacher

The three key documents used for this are the Head Teacher’s Report, the School Development Plan (SDP) and the Self Evaluation Form (SEF). The Head Teacher reports on the actions of the school each term and comments on statistical information such as attendance and monitoring of behaviour. The SDP sets out a strategic plan for the school with targets that everyone works towards, and the SEF sets out how well the school is doing and where we aim to make improvements.

Much of this work is also delegated down to sub-committees that also meet three times a year. We have a Finance and Personnel Committee and a Strategic Committee. Several other committees are set up as and when we need them, such as the Behaviour Committee and the Behaviour Committee.

Governor Attendance

Governor attendance can be audited by reviewing the minutes of the full Governor Body and Committee meetings.  Please contact the school office.

 Register of Business Interests and Constitution

Members of the governing body have a legal duty to act only in the interests of the school. Where a situation arises in which we cannot do this due to a personal interest that we may have, steps should be taken to identify, prevent and record the conflict. This ensures that the governing body acts only in the best interest of the school. All governors complete a declaration on an annual basis. We are asked if we have connections/membership/shares in companies etc which may have a direct business interest in the school.

There are several categories of governor appointed by different groups that have an interest in the school. These are Co-opted Governors, Parent Governors and Staff Governors. All governors have equal status, whichever way they are appointed, though there are certain matters over which staff governors can’t vote (teacher’s pay – for instance).


  • 1 x Head Teacher
  • 1 x Staff Members
  • 5 x Parent/Carers
  • 4 x Co-opted
  • 1 x Local Authority

It’s not just about attending meetings however. We come into school on a regular basis to see the school working for ourselves. We ask children and adults alike about how they think the school is doing and report back to the governing body on our findings. Our parent governors are especially interested in talking to other parents to gain their opinions on the ethos and operation of the school.