​Sir Edmund Hillary Academy

Equalities & Access

The school opposes racism and prejudice in all its forms. We want the school to be a place where everyone is treated with respect; where the richness of the multi-cultural community is valued and reflected and where the children can learn in a happy, caring and interesting environment. 

We challenge prejudice, including gender stereotyping, religious intolerance, homophobic attitudes, and aim to develop a positive approach that is anti-hate and celebrates diversity, in every area of school life.  

Any incident that contravenes this will be dealt with by the member of staff on the spot and discussed with the whole class if necessary.  The issue will then be reported to the Head Teacher and recorded on a Racial / Equalities Incident Form. Parents will be informed where relevant.  All incidents are reported annually to the Local Authority.  The Governors also receive information about the number of incidents within a term. Yes, we take it that seriously. Please support the school, and our nation, in taking a similar view.

We are an equal opportunities employer and are always open to improving the inclusive nature of our operations and ensuring open access to all.

 Equality Policy and action planMarch24SEHLEAD.pdfDownload
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